How to easily complete all Team Deathmatch ACHIEVEMENT | PUBG Mobile

Everyone welcome back once again and I hope you have an amazing day. Team Deathmatch is so freaking fun you really need to try it and with it we have new achievements so let's go right into it.

Envoy of War

I have a lot of tips and tricks. I'm going to give you tips tricks and show you proof on how to complete this achievement. let's be completely honest the easiest way to have the first kill and the last kill is by playing with your friends or your clan and you just ask them help me get the first kill and the last one I can help you next match is really simple just ask your friends or even randoms and if you like me and you don't have friends. Let me show you the strategy that I've been following, you can use any weapon combination that you prefer. The one you feel more comfortable with but as you probably already know I love the m762 it's such an incredible weapon to use and practice in team deathmatch I personally use it with a 2x and a vertical foregrip. this is a very powerful weapon for mid-range and close combat the rate of fire is pretty quick which is something you need for this mode and thanks to the 2x and a little bit of practice the recoil is pretty much non-existent. your second choice is what I call the secret weapon and that is going to be the S12K shotgun you might think it's a joke but believe me this shotgun is so freaking broken in this mode.

I'm going to tell you how to use this weapon combination, when I tell you how to complete the legendary streak task but for now and to get the first skill you're going to go to the table you want to be the first one there you're going to pick up the m762 and the shotgun or the weapon combination that you prefer you want to be as close as possible from the left exit. when the match starts you want to take your weapon away because you want to run as fast as possible to get the first kill. once you get at a point of the map you're going to start seeing your enemy and quickly take your shotgun, Don't worry about the distance this weapon is really powerful and spam your enemy with some shotgun shells so you can have the first kill after that if you die is totally fine because you just want to get the first kill and believe me most of my first kills. I got them just by going to the left side there's always someone there who's not expecting a shotgun for the last kill is going to be a little bit more tricky. if your teammates don't want to help you you want to play a little bit safer when your team has a score of 36 or 37 points stay in the middle of the map find some cover because you want to surprise your enemies and when that happens and again spam your shotgun as much as you can until you get the last kill normally 2 shots should be enough and if you're not that close to your enemy the m762 got your cover the shotgun is going to be your element of surprise no one is expecting it and don't worry about the range.

Alpha and Omega

If you practice a little and understand the basics of this strategy you can easily obtain the Alpha and Omega achievement to compete the legendary task which is five kills in a row without dying I'm going to tell you two strategies the first one is going to be for experienced aggressive players and the most important thing that you want to remember is that you want to play smart take some time to think try to understand how your enemy is going to play and whenever you can you want to get behind them for this is strategy you want to use the M762 and the shotgun as one you want to lower the health of your enemies and instead of reloading you're going to use the shotgun to finish the job if you play aggressive, speed is going to be your best ally and trust your shotgun because you have no idea how powerful this weapon is in this mode once you learn how to use this two weapons as one you will complete the legendary task in no time the second strategy is going to be for players who want to play a little bit more safe  so far I discover two spots where you can easily kill your enemies the first one is going to be on the crates on this corner and you will need a 2 times or a 4 times if you want to practice the recoil of the m762 this is the place to take! getting kills here was so easy it wasn't even fun anymore.

How the enemy team pretty much fall as if they were flies the second spot where you can easily get legendary kills is what I called the surprise spot this spot is perfect if you want to practice with a shotgun especially because the enemy will not be expecting you have one you can also practice with the M762 from this position because you will have an amazing view of the enemy team which normally you will find in this direction and if someone gets close to you just pick up your shotgun and you know what to do I got so many kills from here that I even use all my bullets and players got so salty that I killed them so many times with the shotgun that they started using one combine all these tips and tricks play TDM because it's an awesome way to practice and you will quickly get the legendary task The next achievement is going to be victory legion it says complete one shutout not shout out in team deathmatch and you're probably ask what the heck is a shutout so technically a shutout is preventing the other team from getting points and after a couple of times Phoenix and I found the magic number to complete this achievement you need to win the match with a difference of at least 20 points that means 20 points or any number below that 40 vs 21 or more is not going to work it needs to be 20 or less for this one I recommend you play with a good team stay together in the end so you won't die and if you're lucky and the other team is really bad some of them are even going to rage quit.

Victory Legion

That's pretty much how you get the Victory Legion achievement and don't worry this was not an accident I made several tests as you can see and I'm pretty much halfway there to complete it last but not least we have the T-800 achievement and even official PUBGM discord thought it was bugged this achievement has nothing to do with a terminator medal I totally made a streak of 8 kills nothing happened I even got more than 16 kills streak again it didn't work to complete this achievement you need to win the match with a difference of 1 point that means 40 verses 39 for this one I needed my team to help me and we pretty much plan the last kill so I pretty much told them 2 of you go to the frontline and just die and when everything was ready I just rushed with the shotgun you will get the win and all of your teammates same as you will get the achievement BUT WAIT because there's one last tip I want to share with you your first match is pretty much full of bots so take advantage of that.
